.TEL IDNs are "Live"
HEXONET is proud to announce that the first .TEL IDN registered was "ärzte.tel" - doctors.tel and that HEXONET (1API GmbH) was the registrar behind this domain, which was secured for our customer. We proudly achieved a > 90% success rate for all pre-registered .TEL IDNs through HEXONET for our clients. This success is due to HEXONET's newly developed "Go-Live" registration platform, which has been tuned and engineered specifically for "Go-Live" pre-registrations. Most future "Go-Live" pre-registrations with HEXONET will be using this new system. Please remember that successful pre-registrations aquired by HEXONET are allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis, so please don't hesitate place your pre-registrations as soon as possible.
Note: All .TEL IDN pre-registrations that were succesfully registered are now active.
.NZ Price Reduction Announcement - Reminder!
Recently, InternetNZ, the official operator of the country code Top-Level-Domain of New Zealand, announced a major price drop for .NZ domains. Effective July 1, 2010, .NZ domains will drop 3.00 NZD per Domain/Year. HEXONET is happy to directly pass these savings on to our customers. Therefore, as of July 1, 2010 the new price for .NZ domains:
- Reseller: Reduced from 42.60* (net price: 35.80) NZD to 39.03* (net price: 32.80) NZD per Domain/Year
- Premium: Reduced from 37.25* (net price: 31.30) NZD to 33.68* (net price: 28.30) NZD per Domain/Year
- Platinum: Reduced from 28.56* (net price: 24.00) NZD to 24.99* (net price: 21.00) NZD per Domain/Year
* The GROSS price include Germany's 19% VAT; many resellers pay the lower NET price without VAT.
VeriSign Inc. to increase .COM and .NET Prices - Reminder!
VeriSign Inc., the official gTLD Registry of .COM and .NET, has announced price increases for .COM by 0.57* (net: 0.48) USD and .NET by 0.50* (net: 0.42) USD in July of 2010.
.COM - July 1, 2010 - HEXONET Prices
- Reseller: Increasing by 0.57* (net: 0.48) USD to 12.35* (net price: 10.38) USD per Domain/Year
- Premium: Increasing by 0.57* (net: 0.48) USD to 11.16* (net price: 9.38) USD per Domain/Year
- Platinum: Increasing by 0.57* (net: 0.48) USD to 9.85* (net price: 8.28) USD per Domain/Year
.NET - July 1, 2010 - HEXONET Prices
- Reseller: Increasing by 0.50* (net: 0.42) USD to 10.73* (net price: 9.02) USD per Domain/Year
- Premium: Increasing by 0.50* (net: 0.42) USD to 9.31* (net price: 7.82) USD per Domain/Year
- Platinum: Increasing by 0.50* (net: 0.42) USD to 7.76* (net price: 6.52) USD per Domain/Year
* The GROSS price includes Germany's 19% VAT; many resellers pay the lower NET price without VAT.
IMPORTANT: As of July 1, 2010, .COM and .NET prices will automatically be adjusted for all customers and all price classes.
New VeriSign Authorization Code Requirements for .NAME
VeriSign, the official registry provider for .NAME, will soon be upgrading the security of their authorization code (auth code) and transfer system that will effect all registrars and registrants. This update will require all auth codes, for existing and future domains, to consist of the following to be valid:
- at least eight (8) characters,
- having at least one (1) numeric,
- one (1) alphabetic, and
- one (1) special character
HEXONET Customers:
- System updates will take effect on Saturday, August 14th, 2010
- New registrations without auth code will automatically be assigned auth codes that comply with the new registry requirements
- Existing domains must have their auth codes updated according to the new regulation after system upgrade.
- For API connected clients, the OT&E is already compliant with the new regulations and can be used to test immediately.
Large HEXONET Customers - Automatic Auth Code Updating Service:
- If you have a large domain portfolio or simply would like HEXONET to automatically update the authcode for all your .NAME domains, please send an email to [email protected] and we will be more than happy to update your domains free of charge.
Notice for Registrants to confirm their .CN Domain Name Registration Information
According to the policy in Article 28th of "China Internet Domain Name Regulations": applicant for domain name shall submit true, accurate and complete domain name registration information and sign a registrant agreement with domain name registrar. Upon completion of domain name registration, applicant of domain name will become a registered domain name holder (registrant).
Domain name holder’s true, accurate and complete domain name registration information is a certificate of rights for domain name transfer and information change. In order to protect registrant rights of being domain name holder, CNNIC required all domain name holders to confirm the registration information from today via CNNIC new launched online system which will be sent directly to registrants.